Patrícia M. Pascoal, European PhD in Clinical Psychology, is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, sex therapist and assistant professor at Lusófona University in Lisbon (Portugal) where she is the deputy director of the PhD in clinical psychology, cognitive-behavioral approach. Patrícia M. Pascoal is credited as a specialist in clinical and health psychology by the Ministry of Health as well as clinical and health psychology, psychotherapy, and sexology, by the Portuguese Board of Psychologists. Currently she is the President of the Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology and a board member of the Portuguese Association of Behavior Therapy. She worked as full time clinical psychologist in mental health institutions between 1998- 2008 before moving to research and academia. Pascoal conducts research on theoretically grounded correlates of clinical meaningful outcomes such as sexual distress, sexual satisfaction and sexual pleasure with an emphasis on cognitive behavioral & transdiagnostic approach. Her other interests include empirically grounded definitions of important sexual constructs, internet delivered interventions and sexual diversity. Patrícia Pascoal is the Deputy-Editor in – Chief of Sexual Medicine and an Associate Editor in Frontiers in Psychology (Psychology in Clinical Settings); she is further the co-chair of the Education Committee in the International Society for Sexual Medicine and the co-chair of the World Sexual Health Day Committee in the World Association for Sexual Health where she integrates the Scientific Committee and the Advisory Board. She is a full member of the International Academy of Sex Research.