Vaginal Photoplethismograph
The vaginal photoplethismograph assesses the level of vaginal pulse amplitude (VPA) and blood volume (VBV), thus measuring female physiological arousal.

Indium Gallium Gauge (IG)
The indium gallium gauge (IG) is a measure of penile tumescence that evaluates changes in penile circumference, thus measuring male physiological arousal.

Then eye-tracker with remote control system measures the focus of visual attention during the experiments during the stimuli presentation.

A thermal imaging camera permits the registration and analysis of the temperature of the body’s skin surface. In our lab, it is used as a measure of physical sexual arousal, as genital temperature tends to increase as an individual becomes sexually aroused. The thermal camera requires no direct physical contact with one’s body and it is positioned in front of the pelvic/genital region while a participant is seated privately in the testing room. No identifying information is ever included in the thermograms.
Psychological Arousal
The arousometer is used to measure psychological sexual arousal while participants watch erotic stimuli. Moving the lever of the arousometer up and down, participants indicate how sexual aroused they feel at each moment of a testing session.
SexLab is also equipped with a BIOPAC system that allows to measure:
– Cardiorespiratory response (blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate);
– Galvanic response (galvanic conductance of the skin) and;
– Startle response (eye blink).

SexLab has also specific software to produce and manipulate different stimuli and process all physiological data. We also use software designed to alter and manipulate facial features in studies on face perception, attractiveness and evolutionary psychology.