Pedro J. Rosa
Pedro J. Rosa, PhD in Psychology, is a clinical psychologist and assistant professor of Psychology at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT) de Lisboa and at the Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes (ISMAT), in Portimão. Pedro J. Rosa is credited as a specialist in clinical and health psychology by the Portuguese Board of Psychologists. Rosa is the Coordinator of the Experimental Psychology Lab at ISMAT and the deputy-coordinator of the Experimental Psychology Lab in the School of Psychology and Life Sciences (EPCV). Rosa is a Researcher with the Digital Human-Environment and Interactions Labs (HEI-Labs), ULHT. Besides the current research interests on quantitative methods and psychometrics, he also conducts research on attentional processes and emotional response to valenced stimuli through eye-tracking and peripheral psychophysiological recording. He also is an associate editor of the PSICOLOGIA Journal. Pedro J. Rosa is the founder of the First Meeting on Cognitive and Affective Oculometry in Portugal.