Pedro Nobre is Full Professor of Psychology and Director of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Porto (https://www.fpce.up.pt/). He is also immediate Past-President of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) (https://worldsexualhealth.net/), past Director of the Center for Psychology (CPUP) (https://cpup.fpce.up.pt/) and of the Doctoral Program in Human Sexuality at the University of Porto (https://www.fpce.up.pt/pdsh/en/about.html)
Pedro Nobre founded the Laboratory for Research in Human Sexuality (SexLab) (https://www.fpce.up.pt/sexlab/) in 2009, and has published over 120 scientific papers and 30 chapters on topics such as psychological factors of sexual dysfunctions, psychological treatments for sexual problems, psychosocial predictors of sexual health and well-being, psychological models of sexual function & dysfunction, neuropsychophysiological correlates of sexual health.
He is Principal Investigator in several funded projects and was able to attract a total of over 1.200.000 Euros from competitive calls. Moreover, he received several international prizes for scientific merit awarded by prestigious scientific organizations and has also developed and promoted a number of international research networks. The impact of his scientific record of publications is very high, both at the scientific level (between 2500 and 4000 citations depending on the source) and at the societal level (development of new theoretical models – Nobre’s Cognitive-Emotional Model of Sexual Dysfunction – that inspired new psychological intervention approaches to sexual health).
Pedro Nobre was President of the Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology (2008-2011), Chair of the Scientific Committee of the World Association for Sexual Health (2013 – 2017) and member of the WAS Advisory Committee where he was the project leader of the World Database on Sexual Health. He is currently focal point between the World Association for Sexual Health and the World Health Organization.